The reason why?
The reason why I decided to paint my latest piece of abstract art is due to what I am hearing and seeing on the news. Everyday, the news is full of people deciding to hate other people. Why? Well probably because they are being convinced by other people that is what they should be doing! Killing others – mainly in wars. Organised by a few individuals who other people decide to put in power and keep in power.
I see it in the news everyday. I am powerless to change it. One of the ways I can show that we, the people can think and act differently is to paint a piece of artwork that is the opposite of hatred. Thus, Acceptance was created.
I started with painting a selection of shapes in different colours. I blended some of the colours together – yellow into orange and then into red. The blue into purple are the examples. Other colours stood on their own, with no blending. These initial shapes had curves and no straight edges. This was my base background.
After all these colours had dried, I decided where to paint a variety of shapes of different sizes and colours. I thought each colour should contrast with the base colours, in order to stand out more. For example, the yellow and the blue colours. Also the red and green colours are opposite each other in the colour wheel; which helps to highlight the message I wanted to send.
To most viewers the message in this painting is obvious. However, to some others I feel I need to explain the message in more detail. The base background colours represent people. Some colours are blended together from two or more colours and other colours are not blended. Each colour in the background is right beside the other colours and viewed as being compatible together. Then I painted the other shapes that are painted in contrasting colours. They go well together. They look good together when viewed as a whole. That is the way it should be in life on this planet.
I hope you like my latest abstract painting and understand now why I decided to paint it.
Thank you for reading this post.